Louisiana ExpressOffers Procedures
- When you do a listing presentation with a seller and believe the house might be a prospect for an iBuyer, you will complete a normal listing agreement with the seller along with all documents required. You will then write an addendum to the listing agreement stating:
- lf the seller accepts an ExpressOffer from our ExpressOffers program, the commission owed to eXp Realty, LLC will only be 3% (you may negotiate any commission you feel is appropriate) for the listing side and no commission will be owed for the buyer side.
- lf you do not receive and/or accept an offer from an iBuyer, all terms of the listing agreement will take effect including the agreed to commission rate of ____% (negotiable) for a regular transaction.
- lf after you have your presentation, it is determined that the seller is only interested in an offer from an iBuyer and not a regular buyer, then write that in the listing agreement stating this agreement is for an ExpressOffers iBuyer Only.
- You will follow the ExpressOffer Listing Checklist in SkySlope to get all necessary documents signed along with the 14 required photos in the Property Condition Report, and then submit to the ExpressOffers platform.
lf you
receive an offer(s) from an iBuyer (Letter of lntent, Proof of Funds and Agent Guideline documents) in your email, you will prepare a purchase agreement using the
Louisiana Residential Agreement to Buy or Sell taking the necessary information from the Letter of lntent that you received.

**NOTE: Open the attachment below for an example of a completed LA Purchase Agreement.
- Send the Purchase Agreement you prepared to the iBuyer electronically for signature. Once it is signed by the iBuyer, present the offer to the seller for signature(s).
- You will then follow regular procedures.
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