The Reason Pending or Sold Properties Aren't Appearing on kvCORE
We get a lot of questions about why certain listings aren't appearing. It's also not uncommon for people to ask about whether the system can send out what has recently sold in a neighbor or a list of "expired properties" to the Agent themselves.
If you have any additional concerns, please reach out to the eXp Realty Tech Support Team.
If you are wondering about "Pending", "Sold", or "Expired" properties, there is a good chance those aren't available on your site. This has nothing to do with functionality that is built into kvCORE but rather what information your MLS has agreed to send us.
Most MLSs only send "Active" properties through their IDX feed. Therefore, most sites (like kvCORE), can only build functionality around and display Active properties.
Here is a copy of a snippet pulled right from an IDX agreement talking about only displaying Active properties.

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