How to post to Workplace

How to post to Workplace

Here is a handy guide on how to post to Workplace, including how to add pictures.

Step 1:

Log into Workplace from a computer by going to (make sure you are using Google Chrome!)

You will need to sign in using your eXp email and passport password.

If you are on a mobile device please download the Workplace app first and then sign in with your eXp email and passport password

Step 2:

At the bottom left you should see your initial or profile picture (if you have added a picture)

Step 3:

Click on your picture and then click on View Profile at the top of the Menu that pops up

Step 4:

This will take you to your timeline, at the very top you should see a box that says "What's on your mind?"

This is where you can insert text or links. You can also add photos as well

Step 5:

If you click on the Image/Video button it will open a window to locate the desired files.  Once you have selected the photo(s) you can then click open

Step 6:

You can also add photos and links by clicking the icons in the Create Post window.  When your post is ready to publish, click Post.

Most groups on Workplace work the same way.  In some cases, the Admin of the group needs to approve your post before it will become available.

You will get a prompt letting you know that your post was submitted for approval. You will have to contact the group admin or wait until they log in next to accept the post.

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