Who has used ExpressOffers Essentials or Funnels for lead generation?

Who has used ExpressOffers Essentials or Funnels for lead generation?

We get a lot of questions about the ExpressOffers lead generation products and if they work. You can check for yourself in a couple of ways:
  1. Go to the ExpressOffers Community Workplace group.
  2. Type keywords like leads, essentials, funnels or Making it Rain in the upper right-hand search of the group and you will find honest conversations from many different agents to help you form your opinion.
Search bar location under the group name on the right

Written testimonials that agents have given us.

Marcus Battle "The ExpressOffers leads are amazing, thanks for putting this together. The leads convert, period, just by calling and texting. The contact rate is very high, these sellers have high intentions to sell, and most thank you for calling. Approach these leads with empathy. Don't try to sell them; they already need your help!"

Edgar Gonzalez “Out of all the things I have done for lead generation, ExpressOffers have been the most legitimate. The sellers that you are working with are 100% motivated and ready to sell. About 90% of my ExpressOffer Leads turn into Appointments with the seller’s. Listing Appointments = Closing’s”

Julie Clark “Just connected with a Making It Rain ExpressOffers lead who are sellers that are downsizing and moving out of state. The home is in need of repairs but has good bones. They are motivated to have a hassle free sale since they feel overwhelmed with how to even start to prepare to sell their home. So, they filled out the ExpressOffers online form marketed on Facebook by the Make It Rain program. Nice work MIR & ExpressOffers team!! ExpressOffers Making It Rain dropped the lead into my KvCore. I had the first phone call after the seller initially responded to my text follow up. The ExpressOffers lead provided name, phone, address, email of seller. The lead quality information with ExpressOffers / Making It Rain has been legit!”

Carol Rands I just got my first signed listing for ExpressOffers!!!!!!!!!!!!! I followed all the guidelines and in 48 hours we received 2 offers! He accepted one of those offers! Last Friday a Representative did a walk through ( which is their home inspection). We are moving forward in the sale! After the walk through we agreed on the price and close date.

Justyna Johnson “I have a listing coming up next week – Yippee! Working on a private sale on another should close next month. I found the investor for the owner who wanted to keep the renter in place. Win-Win. Have a land development deal being worked on with a developer that’ll take a bit of time. Have another appointment in a few days. These are all good!!!”

Kris Forsyth “I received my first ExpressOffers leads last week and one of the leads has already become a great opportunity. I was able to connect with a new lead on the phone immediately thanks to the system new lead call alert. I had a great conversation with this lead and we set up a listing appointment for the next week, which was yesterday. I went, met with the client and I got the listing! This will be listed right around $1M, we will be going live in a couple of weeks and I will be getting the buy side of the transaction as well. Needless to say I am thrilled with the outcome of this opportunity.”

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