I don’t understand why ExpressOffers has a public facing site? We don’t want sellers to get an offer without us?

I don’t understand why ExpressOffers has a public facing site? We don’t want sellers to get an offer without us?

YOU’RE RIGHT!! We don’t want them to go it alone! Yes, expressoffers.com is live and is a public facing platform. The rationale is that we needed a public facing site just like Opendoor, Offerpad and Zillow for sellers who use the internet to research before ever reaching out to a real estate agent. If a consumer requests an ExpressOffer, it comes to us internally first.

Our technology team is creating a round jump-ball type distribution of seller leads to our ExpressOffers trained agents. There will be a referral fee involved and we are currently developing and testing this system. However, understand that the offer will not come directly from our iBuyers to a Seller. One of our eXp agents will have to reach out to the seller and present the Disclosure to Sellers document, give them all the options and then enter the property into our internal platform for consideration by our marketplace of iBuyers. If the seller accepts the ExpressOffer, GREAT! If the seller doesn't like the ExpressOffer, then our eXp agent should convert them to a traditional transaction.
Remember, iBuyers are only commanding 6% market share overall in the hottest markets. That leaves 94% of sellers statistically will go down the traditional road. THIS IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU GET MORE LISTINGS!!

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