How to change your eXp email forwarding address (US/CAN)

If you are an agent within the eXp Referral Brokerage (i.e. your eXp email alias ends with you will need to reach out to eXp Technical Support directly for assistance with any changes to your forwarding email address. You can reach out at
Your eXp Email is a forwarding alias that will forward emails to the email address of your choice. You can change this forwarding address in Enterprise by following the steps below:
2. Click on "My Business" on the left, and then "My Agent Profile":

3. In your agent profile, click the "Email" tab on the right, then the blue "Change Forward Email" button:

4. Enter your new forwarding address in both of the fields that appear and then click "Update". Your email will automatically be updated after this step and you can ignore any message it gives you about requiring a verification/confirmation email.

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