exp.world: Assets/Pictures have disappeared (Scenes)

exp.world: Assets/Pictures have disappeared (Scenes)

Sometimes it may appear like all of your pictures or assets have disappeared. Usually, this is caused by accidentally creating a new blank scene.

Finding a Scene
1. To check if this is the case, click the “Scenes Menu” icon on the bottom bar. This will show a popup that tells you which scene you are on out of however many scenes exist in the Frame:

2. If you have more than one scene (like in the image above), cycle through the scenes to see if any of them show the assets that had disappeared.

To Delete a Scene:
1. You can click the expand icon next to the scene selector to open the scene menu in the right bar:

2. Here, you can click the trash can icon next to whatever scene you would like to delete:

If you continue to have trouble, you can reach out to Tech Support at support@exprealty.net or in exp.world at https://exp.world/techsupport-agent